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‘The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.’

Theodore Roosevelt

History at All Saints is key to helping children build up a clear, chronological understanding of the past of Britain and the wider world. Our teaching inspires children’s curiosity to know more about the past and equips them to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence and develop their own perspectives.

Children develop their chronological skills and knowledge of the past through school. This enables them to enhance their understanding of the diverse communities in and around Bradford, as well as the wider world. As children progress through the years, they develop and refine their enquiry skills, which are essential towards them becoming critical analysts as future historians.

We enrich the history curriculum for pupils by exposing them to a wide range of interactive and immersive workshops to enable them to develop a clear understanding of historical concepts, such as, continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity, difference and significance.

Click below to see our All Saints History Curriculum and Skills Progression across our year groups.