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At All Saints Church of England Primary School, we have a clear vision to provide our children with learning opportunities that are carefully designed to challenge, provoke and ignite their desire to gain knowledge that fully prepares them for the world around them.  

This journey begins in our Nursery where the children are welcomed into school. They experience daily, first-hand opportunities that develop their independence, their ability to positively interact with others and to start to gain conceptual ideas that become the foundation blocks for future learning.  

Phases work closely together to develop a curriculum that builds on skills and knowledge, so that over the years the children will gain educational proficiency across all areas of the curriculum. Underpinning all areas of teaching is a pedagogical approach, developed by school leaders, that clearly identifies the Five Elements of Effective Teaching and Learning. Through this, all teaching teams are clear about how the curriculum should be developed, delivered and adapted to ensure that all children make excellent progress from their individual starting points. 

We strongly believe that children should be free to flourish and grow as learners, leaving All Saints with a desire to embrace the next stage of the journey with a clear understanding that we wish them to become the best versions of themselves.