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School Meals

School lunches and Free School Meals

School lunches are cooked on-site. Vegetarian and halal dishes are provided for those children who need them. Menus change on a weekly basis on a 3-week cycle. To see the options for children, please see below. Lunches currently cost £2.20 per day and all money needs to be paid via Arbor.

Application forms for free meals are available from:

The Benefits Services
Britannia House
Hall Ings
Bradford BD1 1HX

Council Tenants: 01274 432771
Private Tenants: 01274 432772
Owner/Occupier: 01274 432773

The school does not make decisions about free school meals.  We are notified by Welfare Benefits of those children who are entitled to free school meals.  We follow their instructions.  Any queries need to go directly to Benefits Service, not school.

Although school lunches will be free for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children – parents of Reception children must still fill in an application for free dinners.  School receives a substantial amount of money for free school meals for children in their budget.  If Reception parents fill out an application form and are eligible for Free School Meals, they will receive a free school jumper.

Children with trays getting lunch.

Packed Lunches and Home Dinners

Packed Lunches
Please provide drinks in plastic containers or cartons.  (NO glass bottles or fizzy drinks because of leakage and breakage).  Please send only cold food and no sweets or chocolate.

The school is a nut free school and nut products are not allowed, including Nutella.

Home Dinners
Children who go home for lunch should not return until five minutes before the start of the afternoon session.  We are able to take responsibility for those children who stay for lunch, but not those who go home for lunch and return at different times.

Milk is available, free of charge to Nursery, Reception and those children in Key Stage One on free school meals.  For other Key Stage One and Two children, parents will be informed of the cost at point of order. Money must be paid via Arbor before the end of that particular term. 

If you have any questions about school lunches or milk, please contact the school via the main office who will pass your enquiry onto the relevant person.