Safeguarding & Concerns
If you have any concerns regarding a pupil or staff member, please contact one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads, who will be happy to discuss these at any time.
Our Safeguarding Governor is Rev. Derek Jones, if you wish to contact him please email our office account -
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead at All Saints Church of England Primary School is:
- Miss Williams - Designated Safeguarding Lead (SLT)
Our Deputy Designated Leads are:
- Mrs Shaw – Headteacher
- Miss Helstrip – Assistant Headteacher – Years 1, 2 & 3
- Mrs Sharp - Assistant Headteacher - EYFS
- Miss Pallister – Nurture Lead
You can contact them by telephone on 01274 415222, or you can phone to make an appointment to speak to them face to face.
When raising a concern, we please request that you provide the following information:
- Name of child/staff member the concern is regarding.
- What is the concern?
- The date the concern was first noted.
Concerns can be made anonymously, but if possible please leave us your contact details, so future information can be sought if needed.
All concerns will be shared with members of the safeguarding team using our school Child Protection Online Management System. However, if the information you provide suggests that a child is at risk of harm, we will also refer the concern straight to Bradford Children’s Social Care.
You are also always able to make a direct referral to Social Care should you feel that a child is at risk. The number is 01274 433999.
We are always keen to work in partnership with our parents. If you have a concern about any aspect of school, it is important that you let us know, and we have a clear procedure so that issues get dealt with promptly and effectively by the right person.
Remember that we are here to help, and we ask that you speak to the staff calmly at all times.
Please follow this link to read more about Bradford Council's 'Prevent Strategy' to safeguard and support vulnerable people to stop them from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
What to do if you have a concern - the process is as follows: